This is a vintage wooden container that houses circular microscope cover glasses. The container is cylindrical, made from wood with a simple screw-top lid. The label on the top indicates that it contains "Cover Glass No. 2 Circles ¾ in. Non-Corrosive."
Early to Mid-20th Century
Scientific, Industrial
Handcrafted wooden container with a printed paper label.
Tools Used:
Lathe (for wood shaping), hand-carved detailing, printing press (for label)
Wooden cases like this were commonly used by scientists, researchers, and students to store delicate microscope slides and cover glasses before the advent of modern plastic and glass packaging.
Manufacturer / Maker:
Possibly from a scientific supply company such as Bausch & Lomb, American Optical, or an independent lab supplier from the early 20th century.
1 ⅝" Diameter x 1 9/16" Tall
Suggested Weight:
Light (approximately a few ounces)
Item Number : P12354
Category : Misc Tools
Brand : UK